Recent Biohazard Posts

Crazy Deer

7/5/2024 (Permalink)

December of 2015, we received two phone calls from customers that stood out to our SERVPRO® franchises. We had a residential home and an insurance agency office have a deer jump through a window - on the same day!  Both of these deer proceeded to track blood all throughout the structures in their dazed state of confusion.  After being in business for over 20 years we have done many different types of blood clean ups. Deer blood is included in our variety of experience for Bio Hazard Remediation.

What Would Your Office Do?

When it came to the insurance office with the deer jumping through the front window, they knew exactly who to call. SERVPRO was out on site the same day as the loss occurred. There were a total of six areas affected when the deer finally stopped running around. Everything from the office entry way to desks, printers, floors, ceilings, filing room, bathroom, break room, hallways, and main office had to be cleaned and sanitized.

            As the insurance company expected, from previous claims we had work with them on, SERVPRO had them back up and running in only 3 days. That time frame included the first day of work where we received the emergency call around 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Though the insurance agency wished they never had to go through something like this, SERVPRO made it "Like it never even happened." for them.

Is this Reality or a Murder Show?

Now the equally dramatic if not more terrify phone call about a window jumping deer was from homeowners that called us in to clean up blood. The wife walked in their home late in the evening and she immediately saw blood everywhere. Logically the homeowners called 911, thinking that someone was in their home. The police sent officers out to clear the home for entrance, only to find out there had been a deer trapped in the home.

            Our on call crew got the call late at night about the Bio Hazard Clean Up and was out there that night. The deer ran through a total of six rooms in the home, leaving a trail everywhere it went. After four days of cleaning the homeowners were back in their home. The structure had been disinfected and cleaned so it was "Like it never even happened."

Sewage Back Up? Why?

7/1/2024 (Permalink)

A sewage backup is one of a homeowner's worst nightmares. Caused by clogs or blocks in the sewer line, sewer backups occur when the sewage system gets overloaded, and waste is pushed backwards through the line and back into the home. Backups are commonly found in basement drains, toilets, and bathtub drains.

One of the most common homeowner insurance claims is because of sewer backups. This ends up being a nasty, messy catastrophe in your home, but what is the cause of it? There are a multitude of reasons why you could experience a sewage back up, but here are a couple of the most common.

  • Tree Roots
  • Clogged Drains
  • Sewer Main Blockages

Once a tree root has grown into a sewer line, the line will need to be replaced and often times the tree roots removed or trimmed down. This will be a big project involving digging into the ground and replacing the existing sewer lines.

Clogged drains are one of the most common reasons for a sewer backup. Improper use of toilets and sinks can cause a main sewer line to become clogged. Flushing cleaning wipes, diapers, napkins, and many other hygiene items can cause a sewer line to become clogged over time. Sewer lines are filled with a volatile combination of hair, soap, and dirty water, adding things such as grease or excess kitchen waste can clog the drain and lead to a sewer backup.

These types of issues can occur as a result of clogs that build up over time much like the typical clog you may experience in your household line. With household clogs, you will generally have an issue with specific drains in the house. For example, your toilet may not flush correctly, or your kitchen sink may be draining slowly. With sewer main blockages, the majority of your plumbing will not be draining throughout the house. It's common for water to be flooding back into your home from drain openings. Remember, the first thing you should do to minimize damage is to shut off all water supplies of your home and attempt to block all the drain openings.

SEWAGE back up can be very overwhelming to you as a homeower, SERVPRO® is Here to Help®!

Call SERVPRO today! 

757-229-3442 or toll free at 1-800-229-3442!